First Break           EarthDoc           Learning Geoscience

Highlights Day 2

Start technical programme, a well attended exhibition and a full day for students

Day two of the 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition brought the live launch of the Technical Programme. We are thrilled to see so many of you on-site but also joining us remotely online. Successful sessions that showcase the latest research developments in the field are something we’re always looking to bring forth to our audience, and this year is nothing less than that.

General Impressions

The Conference Domes, the novel element in this year’s event, proved to be able to minimise the gap between the Technical Programme and the Exhibition. Mixing the technical content of the conference programme with the exhibitors could be something we will make standard in the future. We’re looking to hear your thought and/or experiences by using #EAGEAnnual2021 on social media.

Plenary Talks

Tuesday’s forum entitled, “How the oil industry is addressing the energy mix to meet the goals of the transition era” featured a stellar line up including Kevin McLachlan (TotalEnergies), Jan Schoolmeesters (TGS), Simon Flowers (Wood Mackenzie) and Michael Deal (ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company).

The panelists examined the opportunities for the large multinational players in providing low carbon solutions as part of a future energy mix. It was agreed that these companies stand to benefit from years of investment and research in CCS, hydrogen and biofuels. Advantaged oil will also play a key role as near term price fluctuations drive companies to become more cautious with long term investments and instead prioritize low cost, quick to market projects and development of existing assets with lower greenhouse emissions.

Digitalization, technology and collaboration with the service sector were also highlighted as key elements towards improving this speed to market and maintaining cost efficiency.


The first full day of the exhibition saw a great display of industry peers and new colleagues catching up and sharing the latest developments across a multitude of disciplines.

Day One of our exciting Digital Transformation Area programme kicked off with a fantastic set of presentations including an engaging panel discussion chaired by Oscar Abbink, on Subsurface Digitalization Pathways to Accelerate the Energy Transition. Join the exhibition again today for a new day of presentations, product demonstrations, and networking during the afternoon drinks.

“Great to be back at EAGE. Virtual events have been good but nothing beats networking in person! Thank you to the team at EAGE for a well organised event.”

– Mira Jangra, Strata Technologies

Community Hub

Multiple student activities took place at the community area in the morning, starting with the Students e-Summit in which we brought previous winners of Laurie Dake and Minus CO2 Challenges to share their tricks to beat your competition. Other activities included Local Students Meeting, Exhibition Tour and Professional Photography.

The afternoon started with the popular LinkedIn Training session by Mark White, this year with a spin for advanced players. At the GeoQuiz battle, Simone Probst (TU Delft) won first place, congratulations!

We ended with a special session of the Women in Geoscience & Engineering Community where Annabelle Vos and Pooja Mahapatra (Fugro) discussed diversity, inclusion, and leadership styles, with an actively involved audience.

Missed the Professional Photography and GeoQuiz today? Worry not, as you can still participate in the activities on Wednesday. GeoQuiz starts at 9:00 CEST online and Professional Photography takes place at the Community Hub between 12:00 – 13:00 CEST.

Delegates attending the conference evening but haven’t picked up their conference evening ribbon yet, remember to come to the hub to get yours before it’s too late!


We look forward to another full day at the conference & exhibition today! Wednesday’s highlights include the forum session on the role of geoscience and engineering in meeting decarbonization goals, our mental fitness training sessions and – of course – the conference evening at the National Maritime Museum. See you there!

Share you experience at #EAGEAnnual2021


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Siddharth Misra


Prof Dr Siddharth Misra’s research focuses on improving subsurface characterization and prospect evaluation for the exploration of hydrocarbons, minerals and water resources.

His major contribution is in the theory of electromagnetic responses of geological formations to various charge polarization phenomena. The theory has enabled him to introduce a multi-frequency electromagnetic log-inversion technique to remove dielectric effects for improved estimation of hydrocarbon pore volume.


           First Break           EarthDoc