The EAGE WGE community is the network of members with the mission of growing a collaborative network across genders, ages and specializations, and supporting equity in the fields of geoscience and engineering.
Motivational advice and mentoring, sharing career opportunities and discussing the challenges of women’s retention in the industry have been at the heart of the WGE activities since the start. Over time, the conversation has greatly expanded, touching upon issues such as diversity, inclusion and – more recently – work/life balance (especially in times of lockdown), dual careers and leadership.
The community is open to all, regardless of gender!
Are you interested in being part of the Women in Geoscience & Engineering Community? Update your Affiliations now!

“Being part of the EAGE Group helped me increase my network in a brand new and interesting direction. Sharing post, ideas, experience, solutions with the committee and others members of the group certainly had a huge impact on the way I am now envisioning my career and family life and making it all work in a great synergy!”
Caroline Le Turdu
WGE Committee Chair 2015 - 2017
and EAGE Membership and Cooperation Officer 2018 - 2024
WGE Activities
- WGE Special Session at the EAGE Annual: Strategic Session ‘Future-proofing energy: Empowering diverse talent in a tech-driven world’ (Thursday 13 June).
- Mentoring Programme
- Local events and collaborations
- News, career advice and vacancies
WGE Committee
The WGE community is coordinated by a Committee that serves for a period of two years. The current Committee is serving the 2024-2026 term.
Name | Affiliation | Country |
Azin Karimzadanzabi (Chair) | TU Delft | The Netherlands |
Aicha Bounaim | SLB | Norway |
Chaimaa Settaoui | SONATRACH – Repsol | Algeria |
Chukwunonso Ikiliagwu | Shell | Nigeria |
Jessica Watts | OWC | UK |
Longying Xiao (Co-chair) | Geological Survey of Finland | Finland |
Madeline Lee | SINTEF | Norway |
Princy Agrahari | Curtin University | Australia |
Rania Carballares | SLB | Norway |
Shalala Huseynova | Ministry of Science and Education- Republic of Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan |
Sonia Isabella Lopez | Repsol | Spain |
Would you like to take an active role within the Association? Discover all our volunteering opportunities!
Other questions or ideas?