First Break           EarthDoc           Learning Geoscience

Ballot 2024

The annual Ballot to select Board members is up and running. Review the candidates’ credentials and visions for our Association.


Membership Fees 2024 Announcement

As we chart a sustainable future for the Association and endeavour to continue offering members the same level of services, benefits and support, it has become necessary to adjust the EAGE annual dues. This will be done gradually over the course of the next years,

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Environmental technology concept. Sustainable development goals. SDGs.

Join EAGE’s CO2 Storage Masterclass 2024

This Autumn we are gathering four leading experts in London to offer you a comprehensive programme of short courses to advance your skills on geological CO2 storage. The Masterclass is composed of three courses, each designed to dive into a different technical aspect of geological CO2

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Become a member!

What we have to offer

As a global association, EAGE offers a range of means to connect to geoscience and engineering professionals, resources and benefits to help our community prosper. Whether you are looking for a new platform to present your research, meet other specialists in your field or are looking for your next steps in future education, EAGE has you covered.

Group of students having fun


Welcome students! Today’s students are tomorrow’s geoscientists and engineers, with many of you playing an active role in the global challenges and innovation in technology.

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Learning Geoscience

Education is key to EAGE’s mission to promote the development and application of geosciences and engineering. Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, online education

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Woman Studying


EAGE Communities operate within the Association with the mission of empowering members in knowledge and experience exchange, as well as offering mutual support in various

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Siddharth Misra


Prof Dr Siddharth Misra’s research focuses on improving subsurface characterization and prospect evaluation for the exploration of hydrocarbons, minerals and water resources.

His major contribution is in the theory of electromagnetic responses of geological formations to various charge polarization phenomena. The theory has enabled him to introduce a multi-frequency electromagnetic log-inversion technique to remove dielectric effects for improved estimation of hydrocarbon pore volume.


           First Break           EarthDoc