EAGE actively collaborates with a global network of professional associations in the fields of geoscience and engineering to share knowledge and opportunities. We are always happy to receive proposals of collaboration and discuss ideas to better serve our communities.
Joint events
In the EAGE Calendar of Events you will find several examples of joint events organized in partnership with international or national societies all over the world.
Collaborations can also take the form of an exchange of promotion, the application of member fees or the publication of papers in EAGE’s EarthDoc database.
Cooperation with Associated Societies
In addition to this, EAGE also cooperates with Associated Societies by offering the following benefits:
- Subscription to EAGE’s flagship magazine First Break and EAGE Newsletters
- Possibility of requesting free webinars from the EAGE DLP (Distinguished Lecturer Programme) on a wide range of topics
- Display at EAGE Annual Exhibition
- Possibility to have news items published via EAGE channels and journals
- Possible support and cooperation on matters such as the organization of local events and joint events
Do you have a cooperation idea that you would like to discuss with us?