EAGE has three Circles within the association, the Oil and Gas Geoscience Circle (OGGC), the Near Surface Geoscience Circle (NSGC) and the Sustainable Energy Circle. Circles are parts of the Association with the purpose of supporting and promoting the professional interests of the main work fields of Members of the Association. Members may register for one or more Circles.
Each Circle is led by a committee overseeing the further development of the Circle, its activities and cooperation with the other two Circles. All three Circles are represented in the EAGE Board. The current chairpersons are:

Yohaney Gómez Galarza
Chair Oil and Gas
Geoscience Circle

Andreas Pfaffhuber
Chair Near Surface
Geoscience Circle

Carla Martín-Clavé
Chair Sustainable Energy Circle
The Oil and Gas Geoscience Circle (OGGC) represents and promotes the interests of the EAGE members in the oil and gas sector and ensures that each of the related geoscience disciplines of geophysics, geology and reservoir engineering are adequately represented within the EAGE and its functional committees.
The Oil and Gas Circle will support our community to promote innovation, sustainability, and knowledge sharing. We will place environmentally conscious energy production and utilization at the forefront.
The Circle’s goal is to promote and support the Oil and Gas EAGE members through representation, technical conferences & publishing, learning and workshops.
OGGC Committee
The Oil and Gas Geoscience Circle (OGGC) committee represents the members, by promoting the vision through member engagement, participation on internal committees and representation on the Board.
The committee is made up of volunteers led by an elected Chair. Joining the committee is open to any member who is interested in promoting oil and gas, plus can commit the time to attend meetings throughout the year.
Specific responsibilities of the Circle Committee:
- Hold Circle Committee meetings at least 3 times a year.
- Assist with the member nomination of permanent EAGE committees.
- Liaise with the other Circles via the Vice-Chairs and report to the committee on progress of shared goals/activities as well as updates.
- Nominate for Board approval a Technical Program Representative (TPR) to represent the OGGC in the EAGE Technical Programme Committee (TPC).
- Receive reports from the Technical Program Representative and relevant EAGE journal Editors in Chief at Technical Circle Meetings.
- Receive via the Circle Chair notices, agendas and minutes of permanent committee meetings and provide additional input as appropriate.
The current members of the circle committee are:
- Yohaney Gomez Galarza (Chair)
- Johannes Wendebourg (Vice-Chair)
- Lucy Slater (Immediate Past Chair)
- Wiebke Athmer (Committee Member)
- Timothy Tylor-Jones (Committee Member)
- Alireza Malehmir (Editor-in-Chief Geophysical Prospecting)
- Adeline Parent (Committee Member)
- Jonathan Redfern (Editor-in-Chief Petroleum Geoscience)
- Xavier Troussaut (EAGE Observer at SPE-OGRC)
- Robert Tugume (Committee Member)
- Anke Wendt (Committee Member)
- Martin Widmaier (Technical Program Officer)
Circle Journals: Geophysical Prospecting & Petroleum Geoscience
Are you interested in being part of the Oil and Gas Geoscience Circle? Update your Affiliations now!
The Near Surface Geoscience Circle (NSGC) represents the interests of its members who work in all areas of geoscience applied to investigation of the shallow subsurface. Such areas include, but are not limited to, geophysics, geotechnics, engineering geology, mining, geothermal investigation, environment, hydrogeology, archaeology, forensics and soil science. It provides a forum for discussing and improving the application of geoscientific methods to the above-mentioned topics. The Circle publishes its own journal, Near Surface Geophysics, and organises an annual technical meeting, the EAGE Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, normally held in September. It contributes to the EAGE flagship journal First Break and collaborates with other societies in organising joint technical meetings.
The aims of the NSGC are:
- To foster and encourage the application of geoscience techniques for all near-surface applications;
- To foster education and research in these areas;
- To provide a means for communication between geophysicists and those who use geoscientific data;
- To provide, through meetings, workshops, short courses and seminars, a forum for the exchange of technical information;
- To actively represent the membership in all state and national initiatives that propose regulation or registration of near surface geoscientists, and to keep the membership informed on these issues;
- To work closely with other societies for the furthering of geoscience as applied to matters outside deep exploration.
The NSGC committee members sit as representatives of various local professional groupings. EAGE members are welcome to contact them by e-mail to make suggestions for the development of the Circle.
The current members of the circle committee are:
- Andreas Aspmo Pfaffhuber (Chair)
- Florina Tuluca (Vice-Chair)
- Esther Bloem (Past Chair)
- Micki Allen (Liaison EEGS/North America)
- Hongzhu Cai (Liaison China)
- Deyan Draganov (Technical Programme Representative)
- Eduardo Rodrigues (Liaison First Break)
- Hamdan Ali Hamdan (Liaison Middle East)
- Vladimir Ignatev (Liaison CIS / North America)
- Ruth Chigbo (Liaison Young Professionals special interest community)
- Catherine Truffert (Liaison Industry)
- Mark Vardy (Editor-in-Chief Near Surface Geophysics)
- Madeline Lee (Liaison Women in Geoscience & Engineering special interest community)
- Gaud Pouliquen (Liaison Industry; Critical Minerals technical community)
Circle Journal: Near Surface Geophysics
Are you interested in being part of the Near Surface Geoscience Circle? Update your Affiliations now!
During a Special Members Meeting on 16 February 2023, the EAGE Board introduced the Sustainable Energy Circle, which was approved by a majority of the votes. More information about the structure and goals of this new Circle will be published soon.
The current members of the circle committee are:
- Carla Martín-Clavé (Chair)
- Giovanni Sosio (Vice-chair)
Circle Journal: Geoenergy
Are you interested in being part of the Sustainable Energy Circle? Update your Affiliations now!