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Volunteering Opportunities


Volunteering Opportunities


Volunteering Opportunities


Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteering EAGE

Volunteering With EAGE

As a global professional Association, our members and volunteers are the cornerstone of what we do. All Committee positions, including the EAGE Board, are filled with volunteers supporting our mission. 

As a result, we are frequently looking for new volunteers to contribute to our activities and support the EAGE community worldwide. Here is how you can get involved!


Become an EAGE Volunteer: Choose Your Journey

There are two ways to indicate your interest in volunteering: by writing to or by registering your interest in the EAGE Engagement Survey.

Contact us!


Here are some of the roles you may be interested in:

Volunteering with EAGE
Technical programme reviewerSession chairMentor
Award nominatorJournal reviewer / editorEvent committee member
EAGE committee memberTechnical community leaderSpecial interest community leader
Local Chapter leaderStudent Chapter leaderFaculty advisor
Speaker at student or community meetings


Open Volunteering Opportunities

Below are current roles and areas where you can help. Keep an eye on this space for new volunteering opportunities that might became available. You are welcome to indicate interest for a specific role/ area, or more than one. If we are able to find a good match for your interest(s) and expertise, we will contact you. Please know most openings fill up quickly and we will only contact you based on availability. We thank you nonetheless for expressing your support and encourage you to keep your preferences updated via the EAGE Member Engagement & Volunteering Survey.


Support to Technical Programmes

Reviewers and session chairs for the following conferences are invited:



Oil & Gas Geoscience Circle
The OGGC is currently looking new committee members. The OGGC represents and promotes the interests of its members. More information can be obtained here and by writing to
Students Affairs Committee
The SAC focuses on student affairs and local student representation and activities. If you are interested in volunteering or learning more, please contact us via



The instructors of our training programmes are selected by an expert Education Committee and compose an international and multidisciplinary team. Academic and industry professional can apply to become EAGE instructors by submitting one or more course proposals. Instructors receive a teaching fee.

We are currently looking for Education Committee members, particularly in the following areas:

  • Geology
  • Reservoir engineering

For further information on becoming a EAGE instructor or joining the EAGE Education Committee, you can contact us at



New volunteers for committee members in the following technical communities are welcome:

The following Local Chapters are recruiting new members to join their teams!

  • LC Paris
  • LC Pau

Additionally, groups of members in the following locations are getting organized to start new EAGE Local Chapters. If you are interested in joining them, do not hesitate to get in touch:

  • Brazil
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Regional expertise

At EAGE we are constantly working to expand our multidisciplinary offer in all regions. We are currently looking for members with experience in the technical topics listed below to help us plan and support new activities. Interested? Let us know!

  • Near Surface Geoscience in Latin America
  • Geochemistry | Geothermal energy | Sustainability in Asia Pacific


Regional councils

For our Regional Council in the Middle East we are looking for volunteers interested in helping us unlock new opportunities for the EAGE community in the region. By seizing this opportunity, you will have the chance to join the ranks of visionary leaders and passionate professionals who are determined to make a difference by actively shaping the future of the geoscientific community in the Middle East.

As a member of the Council, your valuable insights and contributions will be instrumental in charting the course of EAGE activities in the region, ensuring they align with the evolving needs of our members; developing innovative services and delivering them directly to EAGE members, making a tangible impact in their professional lives; amplifying the reach of the Association through collaborations, growth in membership, meetings and publications.



Couldn’t find a relevant opening? Save your interests in the EAGE Member Engagement & Volunteering Survey that you can find at MyEAGE

Based on availability, our team will look for a match and reach out for future volunteering opportunities.


Fresh Ideas? Get In Touch!

New ideas are always welcome. If you happen to have suggestions or ideas to get involved within EAGE on a voluntary basis, we are keen to hear from you. If you would like to pitch an idea with us, please send us an email explaining your proposal. The more details you will be able to provide, the better


Siddharth Misra


Prof Dr Siddharth Misra’s research focuses on improving subsurface characterization and prospect evaluation for the exploration of hydrocarbons, minerals and water resources.

His major contribution is in the theory of electromagnetic responses of geological formations to various charge polarization phenomena. The theory has enabled him to introduce a multi-frequency electromagnetic log-inversion technique to remove dielectric effects for improved estimation of hydrocarbon pore volume.


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