The EAGE Basin & Petroleum Systems Analysis community is the network of members interested in sharing knowledge and developing skills among geoscientists and engineers working on Basin and Petroleum Systems analysis, strategies and technologies. This group deals with challenges in basin modelling, pore pressure, seals as well as their interdisciplinary connections, especially with geology and geochemistry.
This Community is open to members in all stages of their career.
Are you interested in being part of the EAGE Basin & Petroleum Systems Analysis Community? Update your Affiliations now!
- Dedicated Sessions and Workshops at the 85th EAGE Annual Conference (10-13 June 2024, Oslo, Norway).
- Contributions to EAGE events, such as the the EAGE Workshop on Advanced Petroleum Systems Assessments (30-31 July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
- Local events and collaborations.
- News, career advice and vacancies.

The community is coordinated by a Committee that serves for a period of two years.
Name | Company / Institution | Country |
Axel Wenke | Neptune Energy | Germany |
Balazs Badics | Wintershall Dea | Norway |
Bjorn Wygrala | Independent | Germany |
Friedemann Baur | Chevron | United States |
Jean-Jacques Biteau | Independent | France |
Johannes Wendebourg | TotalEnergies | France |
Mubarak Al-Hajeri | KOC/KGS | Kuwait |
Thomas Hantschel | Terranta | Germany |
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