The EAGE Hydrogen and Energy Storage community (HESTC) is a network of members interested in sharing knowledge and developing skills among geoscientists and engineers working in Hydrogen and Energy Storage analysis, strategies, and technologies. This group is open to members in all stages of their career and counts on links with the student community.
The rapidly evolving Hydrogen and Energy Storage sector plays a vital role in addressing the challenges of rising energy demand, intermittent renewable power generation and the requirement to reduce global GHG emissions. The full range of energy storage technologies will be included within the remit of the community: Electrochemical, Chemical, Thermal and Mechanical.
We are also interested in discussions and contributions covering the broader elements of natural hydrogen systems, stimulated geological hydrogen production, policy, and emerging energy value chains.
The HESTC’s activities will be instrumental in providing EAGE members with current insights, perspectives and the latest technical developments within the Hydrogen and Energy Storage discipline.
Are you interested in receiving updates from the EAGE Hydrogen and Energy Storage Community? Update your EAGE Affiliations now!

Through the Hydrogen and Energy Storage Technical Community, EAGE members will gain access to cutting-edge insights and best practices in these dynamic sectors, being empowered to excel in their careers and drive innovation.”
Dr. Maximilian Haas
HESTC Committee Chair 2024 - 2026

As the technical and commercial arena of Hydrogen and Energy Storage accelerates, and new projects are announced globally, the HESTC will support its members through regular updates, insights from both business and technical experts, and offer a focal point for the exchange of ideas and knowledge.”
Ellie MacInnes
HESTC Committee Chair 2024 - 2026
Hydrogen and Energy storage Activities
- Participation in a Dedicated Session at the 85th EAGE Annual Conference (10-13 June 2024, Oslo, Norway):
- Decarbonisation and Energy Transition (Thursday, 13 June – 14:30 CEST)
- Contributions to EAGE events, such as the 5th EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference and Exhibition GET2024.
- Local events and collaborations.
- News, career advice and vacancies.

Curious to know more about everything EAGE is doing around the energy transition? In our Energy Transition Hub you can find all EAGE opportunities for learning, sharing and connecting in one place.
Skills for the Energy Transition
Willing to pursue a career in energy transition-related fields? Representatives from the EAGE Decarbonization and Energy Transition Communities, in collaboration with the Education Committee, have undertaken the development of a tool aimed at delineating the requisite skills for successfully navigating a career in the evolving energy landscape.
The overarching objective of the initiative is to offer a comprehensive learning path, encompassing both technical and non-technical proficiencies, thereby aiding our members in navigating their personal energy transition journeys.
In order to ensure that the insights provided by this tool align closely with the needs of our members, we would like to invite you to participate in a short survey: replies are anonymous and will help us improve the skills mapping as well as identify additional areas where geoscientists and engineers can play a role for the energy transition.
Hydrogen and Energy Storage Committee
The Hydrogen and Energy Storage community is coordinated by a Committee that serves for a period of two years. The current Committee is serving the 2024 – 2026 term.
Name | Company / Institution | Country |
Ellie MacInnes (Chair) | WSP | United Kingdom |
Maximilian Haas (Chair) | SLB | United Kingdom |
Aicha Bounaim | SLB | Norway |
Andrew Cavanagh | Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage / Edinburgh Climate Change Institute | United Kingdom |
Belén Febbo | GFZ Potsdam | Germany |
Bill Richards | Independent | Canada |
Carla Barrera | SLB | France |
Geoff Pettifer | Terra Entheos Geoscience | Australia |
Hadi Hajibeygi | TU Delft | The Netherlands |
Lorena Moscardelli | Bureau of Economic Geology – The University of Texas at Austin | United States |
Pablo Rodriguez Salgado | iCRAG | Ireland |
Rodney Garrard | Arch International | United Kingdom |
Update your affiliations
Connecting with professionals who share similar interests – such as the members of the EAGE Hydrogen and Energy Storage Community – is key in promoting innovation and technical progress. That’s why we invite you to update your EAGE affiliations to Local Chapters, Circles, Technical and Special Interest Communities. This will help you stay connected with fellow members and ensure our offerings meet your needs.
Questions? Ideas?