In collaboration with the EAGE Decarbonization and Energy Transition Community, the Education Committee works on mapping skills needed in energy transition. The aim is to identify technical skills necessary in energy transition and connect those with courses that help to acquire these skills. In addition to technical courses, we also introduced a coaching programme to develop soft-skills and practices that will make members more competitive in accessing opportunities provided by the energy transition. Our final aim is to offer a holistic “learning path” of both soft and technical skills to support members in the process of energy transition.
To make it easier for EAGE members to assess which skills they need for their future role, we created an interactive tool comparing current and future role skills profiles. Members will be able to choose an existing and a future role and see which technical skills are required and the relationships between these roles and necessary skills, together with recommendations on which courses to take.
To ensure that the recommendations this tool provides are in line with what our members need, we created a concise survey consisting of four questions that requires only a few minutes to complete. The participation will remain anonymous and will help us identify the technical skills required for the energy transition.