The 12th Vlastislav Červený Student Prize is brought to EAGE by our Local Chapter Czech Republic, in collaboration with INSET, Seismik s.r.o., G Impuls Praha spol. s.r.o. and the Faculty of Methematics and Physics at Charles University. Starting from last year, the 11th edition, the prize is entitled to Prof V. Červený, a former honorary member of EAGE, who died at the age of 90 in 2022 and devoted a large part of his life work to teaching young generations of geoscientists.
The Prize is a recognition of excellence in two categories: Best Master’s and Best Bachelor’s thesis.
The competition is open to all students from universities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia and Poland. In order to be eligible, thesis works must be written in English, Czech or Slovak language and defended in the period between 5 October 2023 and 10 October 2024.
The deadline for applying was 11 October 2024.
More information about the competition
The winners selected for the 2023/2024 academic year were invited to present their work and receive their Prize at a special event organized by the EAGE Local Chapter Czech Republic in Prague in January 2025.
The organizer of the competition is EAGE Local Chapter Czech Republic (LC EAGE Czech Republic z.s., Kubišova 1265/8, 182 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic).
Supporting partners
The competition is supported by INSET, Seismik s.r.o., G Impuls Praha spol. s.r.o., the Faculty of Methematics and Physics at Charles University and EAGE. EAGE contributes to this edition of the competition by providing funding via its PACE Event Support programme and offers the two winners a free membership for the year 2025 and a voucher for an online course via LearningGeoscience. EAGE is not responsible for the organization of the activities related to this initiative.
Previous Years Winners
Academic year | Winner | Affiliation | Thesis title |
2011/2012 | Filip Kostka (Bachelor’s thesis) | Charles University (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics) | Quasidynamic modeling of tectonic faults: segmentation of earthquakes |
2012/2013 | 1. Radek Klanica (Bachelor’s thesis) 2. Oskar Vaško (Bachelor’s thesis) | Charles University (Faculty of Natural Sciences) | 1. Effects of cultural noise in natural magnetotelluric signals 2. Seismograph installation and complex analysis of recorded data |
2013/2014 | 1. Žaneta Novotná (Bachelor’s thesis) 2. Martin Mazanec (Bachelor’s thesis) 3. Martin Mityska (Master’s thesis) | Charles University (Faculty of Natural Sciences) | 1. Location and survey of the historical masonry using geophysical methods 2. Fundaments for the construction of the magnetometer from the carbon nanotubes for geological purposes 3. Distribution of noise sources recorded by the WEBNET network seismic stations and the velocity model of S-waves propagation in the upper crust of the seismicly active region of Western Bohemia gained on the base of seismic interferometry |
2014/2015 | 1. Marek Kozoň (Bachelor’s thesis) 2. Michaela Káňová (Master’s thesis) | Charles University (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics) | 1. Thermal Evolution of Saturn’s Moon Enceladus 2. Evolution of terrestrial exoplanets |
2016/2017 | Martin Mazanec (Master’s thesis) | Charles University (Faculty of Natural Sciences) | Statistical analysis of natural and induced seismicity catalogues |
2017/2018 | David Hanák (Master’s thesis) | Charles University (Faculty of Natural Sciences) | Data processing of well log complex |
2018/2019 | 1. Martin Šuťjak (Master’s thesis) 2. Jozef Müller (Bachelor’s thesis) | Charles University (Faculty of Natural Sciences) | 1. Effect of the pre- and syn-depositional tectonics on the development of delta and its fan on the rifted continental margin; northern Exmouth Plateau 2. Focal mechanisms of earthquakes in the secondary focal zones in West Bohemia (thesis in Slovak) |
2019/2020 | Václav Fait (Master’s thesis) | Charles University (Faculty of Natural Sciences) | Time-domain electromagnetics and its applications for prospection of maar volcanoes |
2020/2021 | 1. Galina Simeonova (Master’s thesis) 2. Jaroslav Jaroš (Bachelor’s thesis, Honorary) | 1. Comenius University in Bratislava (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics), and University of Vienna 2. Charles University (Math and Physics) | 1. Upper mantle structure beneath wider Vienna Basin from array analysis of surface waves 2. Gravitational signal of model of Earth crust |
2021/2022 | 1. Sophie Authried (Master’s thesis) 2. Francesco Colosimo (Bachelor’s thesis, Honorary) | 1. University of Vienna and Comenius University in Bratislava 2. Charles University (Faculty of Natural Sciences) | 1. Investigation of effects of poroelasticity on seismic wave speed in Argostoli, Greece 2. Real-time magnitude estimation using MEMS-based accelerometers |
2022/2023 | 1. Timothée Delcourt (Master’s thesis) 2. Patrick Pfammatter (Bachelor’s thesis) 3. Barbora Marešová (Bachelor’s thesis, Honorary) 3. Zbyněk Fojt (Master’s thesis, Honorary) | 1. ETH Zurich 2. ETH Zurich 3.Charles University (Faculty of Natural Sciences) 4. Masaryk University (Faculty of Science) | 1. Is there no free lunch in low dimensional parameter estimation? 2. Seismic tomography of an alpine landslide using Distributed Acoustic Sensing. 3. Geophysical prospection of Early Medieval settlements 4. Landslides near Semanín fault between Ústí nad Orlicí and Semanín |
2023/2024 | 1. Franziska Heck (Master’s thesis) 2. Petr Fedorchuk (Bachelor’s thesis) 3. Michelle Putr (Bachelor’s thesis, Honorary) | 1. University of Hamburg 2. Charles University 3. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | 1. Using total electron content data for earthquake prediction 2. Seismic refraction tomography and surface waves dispersion analysis for near surface characterization 3. Palaeomagnetism of Cainozoic Volcanic Samples from Gorontalo (Sulawesi, Indonesia) |