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Online education programmes on Learning Geoscience

Brand-new extensive courses on Energy Transition and Near Surface Geoscience

Two new extensive online courses ‘Geological CO2 Storage’ and ‘Non-Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing: Gravity and Magnetics’ are now available on our Learning Geoscience platform. The first deliveries starting next year are reaching out to multiple time-zones so you can join wherever you are in the world.

Geological CO2 Storage

To reflect the growing interest in new energy applications, a new category has been added to the EAGE Education Catalogue: Energy Transition. Under this category you will find learning programmes dedicated to low carbon technologies where geoscientists and engineers play a key role.

‘Geological CO2 Storage’ is one of the newest entry in this category, a new extensive online short course by a team of CCUS experts: Andreas Busch, Eric Mackay, Florian Doster (Heriot-Watt University), Martin Landrø (NTNU) and Philip Ringrose (Equinor, NTNU).

You can join one of the two deliveries below and enjoy access to all course elements for two months after the start.

First edition 17 January – 17 March 2022 with 7 live Q&A webinars
at 17:00 – 18:00 CET
Second edition 3 May – 3 July 2022 with 7 live Q&A webinars
at 10:00 – 11:00 CEST

Register here

Non-Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing: Gravity and Magnetics

Gravity and Magnetics are two of the most important methods for non-seismic data acquisition and processing. They often enable complementary information that is not provided by seismic methods alone. The new training programme may help to assist in unlocking more value from your subsurface analysis by combining seismic with non-seismic techniques.

The course is designed to provide an improved understanding of the use of gravity and magnetics data, but also the benefits of employing them in geophysical acquisition projects and how to define a budget for a non-seismic project. It includes comprehensive course material and hands-on exercises that you can explore at your own pace, as well as six live sessions of two hours with the instructor Jaap Mondt, ex-Shell geoscientist and experienced educator.

You can join one of the two deliveries below and enjoy access to all course elements for a full month after the start.

First edition 7 March – 7 April 2022 with 6 live webinars
at 9:00 – 11:00 CET
Second edition 3 October – 3 November 2022 with 6 live webinars
at 16:00 – 18:00 CEST

Register here

For more information about the courses visit



Siddharth Misra


Prof Dr Siddharth Misra’s research focuses on improving subsurface characterization and prospect evaluation for the exploration of hydrocarbons, minerals and water resources.

His major contribution is in the theory of electromagnetic responses of geological formations to various charge polarization phenomena. The theory has enabled him to introduce a multi-frequency electromagnetic log-inversion technique to remove dielectric effects for improved estimation of hydrocarbon pore volume.


           First Break           EarthDoc